Welcome to the Stories of Iadumija! I hope you enjoy what you read here and find yourself enveloped in my world. Iadumija is a realm that I've created for the folk I'll be writing about. The stories are meant to create a depth to this world in a cohesive timeline. However, the posting of stories will likely be sporadic versus in order.
Of these tales that I post, most are derived from my games of DnD. So though I claim them to be Iadumijan stories, there will be elements of the DM and player inspirations prevalent throughout. Alas, my flair will still shine through as I place the stories here, for my characters are Iadumijan in nature.
With that, here are some notes about the world for those who'd like a sample of what to expect. I have created a language for the magics in this realm. It's called Angelic. This language is reflected A LOT in names. Because of that, I will do my best to give an example of how to pronounce the word. One day I plan on publishing a guide for how the language works, but until then, I pray you'll bare with me.
There is a calendar system. 12 months, 36 days each, 432 days a year. Their days of the week are as follows:
Rucejk (Rus-eZH)
Tiæjk (Tih-yeZH)
Kæjk (Y-aeZH)
Lutejk (Lud-eZH)
Ojtejk (O-deZH)
Halejk (Hall-eZH)
They do number their weeks as week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, but they refer to them as:
La'Aj (La-Eye)
La'Dwa (La-Dwa)
La'Dhroo (La-Throw)
La'Baer (La-Bare)
La'Buq (La-Bull)
La'Sux (La-Suf)
Every three months the seasons change. Spring stars the year, followed by summer, fall, and winter. The month's names are:
Ajnis (Eye-en-is)
Dwanis (Dwa-en-is)
Dhroonis (Throw-en-is)
Baernis (Bare-en-is)
Buqnis (Bull-en-is)
Suxnis (Suf-en-is)
Soqojnis (Saw-low-en-is)
Oukhtnis (Owned-en-is)
Jujnis (Zhoo-en-is)
Dojnis (Doe-en-is)
Ajdojnis (Eye-doe-en-is)
Dwadojnis (Dwa-doe-en-is)
And the last note I'll leave is about the races one can expect to read about. Most are typical fantasy setting folk with their standard lore but the unique ones have notes below. There are the Elves, Dwarves, Giants, *Mangoelars, **Humans, Fairies, Fawns, Centaurs, Merfolk, Halflings, ***Angelic, ****Valiks and *****Miras.
*Mangoelars (Man-go-lars)- They look like humans or rather humans look like dull versions of them. The difference, mangoelars can cast magic while humans cannot. They typically have a tan look to them. How dark varies on where they live. Their eyes are prominently a vibrant turquoise or golden color. The hues can fade to that of green, blue, or brown, but typically their eyes are still quite striking. Their hair color tend to be black, deep red, or midnight blue.
**Humans- They are aliens to the Iadumijans. They can from Earth at some point in their history (stories will be made to illustrate that). The Iadumijans refer to Humans commonly as Earthains (Ear-thanes) since they say they're from Earth. They can't cast magic because their body structures can't process the power. However with their understanding of technology, magic items become very popular while making some useful inventions (like watches).
***Angelic- These are the perfected folk. When one dies and had lived according to the laws Esrajka, they are then Exalted (their bodies being made perfect and adorned with white wings) and can live forever in the Kingdom (a state of paradise).
****Valiks- Essentially the equivalent to the Drow race, however they live above ground versus in the Underdark. They are corrupted Elves who worship the evil God, Llucybuk.
*****Miras- These are cat like folk. They walk on two legs, their bodies have a fine lining of fur, fluffy hair that is typically kept short and sticks out, paw like hands and feet, and a tail. The are usually a solid colored with their hair lighter or darker than their fur.
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