Monday, April 11, 2016

9/23/2997: All is Alright

Ojtejk La’Baer ab Jujnis, 2997

I must say, I am doing remarkably well! The training with Ahmiaus has been better than I could have anticipated. We’ve continued with the same pattern of fencing in the mornings and strength/stamina training in the afternoon. With my quickness in picking up the tricks, he mentioned having me join his other class of monks. I have to wonder if my other companions will join too, but in the meantime I’m truly enjoying myself.
With my mood so light, I’ve taken to playing my flute on the overlook as the sun sets. It’s a little bit of free time I get after dinner and so far, no one seems to mind. Bubbles particularly enjoys it. He was just asking me tonight why I didn’t play more. I informed him that he found me at a very low point. My spirit was broken and hope seemed a joke.
Actually... now that I think about it, I never wrote about Bubbles! He is a faerie dragon and came to me the night before the Dryads debacle. I had finished writing the lyrics to my song when a light caught my eye. In due time, a silvery, opal colored dragon flew nigh, calling me by name. I remember feeling so surly that I raised an eyebrow with great suspicion. I had asked the creature who it was and how it knew me.
“I’m Bubblesnort!” he replied enthusiastically! “I’d recognize a Belrue anywhere!” Bubbles went on to say how he was expecting to have found my grandmother, Yosemedy, to which I informed him of the unfortunate news.
Like any faerie, though he being significantly bigger, Bubble’s miniature dragon frame could only hold one emotion at a time. His cheery face suddenly shedded large tears of remorse toward my grandmother’s death. He tucked his head as he perched on the branch in front of me. But about as soon as his solemn state fell over him, he took a deep breath and let it out before looking back at me and saying, “I guess that makes you my new master then.”
I thought the creature daft for wanting me to be his master. I tried to dissuade him from the idea, but he insisted saying I held some birthright, he being a sworn protector of the elder who bore it. My lips confessed their confusion, not knowing what he spoke of.
"The birthright you carry is what lured me here. I had thought it was Yosemedy, I having searched for her for so long. When I felt the power, the call, I came quickly. I was surprised to find you, but how good I did for now I know Yosemedy is no more and I can continue to fulfill my duties as a guardian."
I shook my head. Nothing came to mind about the birthright he spoke of. “Surely someone’s told you. I know you have it,” Bubbles persisted, “It would have been given you on your sixteenth birthday.” I explained to him that that time of my life was met with much drama, what with my father dying, unexalted, and me renouncing my faith... no. I was not informed of any birthright.
Apparently I have been bestowed with a unique set of powers. It is given to the first daughter born to the mother. However, Yosemedy only had boys. And so the birthright was to go to the first granddaughter of the oldest son. I had to stop Bubbles there because I wasn’t the first daughter AND there’s a good chance I’m not Theedain’s daughter. So if I carry the birthright (which I seriously doubt), I haven’t a clue how. Nevertheless, the faerie dragon is insistent that I have been given such powers and so we hope the monks will be able to help me recognize them. I have yet to mention that to Ahmiaus.
Bubbles really does have a lovely optimism that has grown on me now that the cloud of despair has departed. As I finished playing my flute earlier, he being curled around my shoulders asked, “Your grandmother use to tell stories. Might you know any?” I looked at the twilight sky and sang him a tune I use to perform back home:

There once was a boy who searched all of Iadumija
For a lady so pure and fair.
To relieve him from the world so dark
With sadness everywhere.
He came upon a town so quaint
Where the darkness was blinded by the light.
The folk danced and laughed all gay to celebrate
The Festival of Light.

They sang:
Sonoyrid, it’s a beautiful night!
Tijs with all of your heart!
Your fears today
Are far away!
Mois da æae, all is alright!

Soon the joy overcame the boy
Who fell to his knees, filled with ‘Ah’.
A lady came over to help the lad up
And held him in her arms.
She asked where he came from. He simply replied
That he had been searching for her along time
And that he needed a home for tonight
She smiled so warm and her eyes shown bright.

She sang:
Sonoyrid, it’s a beautiful night!
Tijs with all of your heart!
Your fears today
Are far away!
Mois da æae, all is alright!

The boy stayed there for the rest of his life.
He grew into a man and took him a wife.
And as he tucks his little ones in at night
He sings them a song as they close their eyes.

He sings:
Sonoyrid, it’s a beautiful night!
Tijs with all of your heart!
Your fears today
Are far away!
Mois da æae, all is alright!

Celebrate, it’s a beautiful night!
Dance with all of your heart!
Your fears today
Are far away!
Peace to you, all is alright!

Indeed. All is alright.
Of course, shortly after singing, Destiny was by my side and we had a lovely conversation. She wanted to know what I was doing before I learned of my primordialness. I mentioned that I was looking for a place to call home. In fact, I had settled in Lythmeir for a time, where I met Achmath, and it was the first place that felt like home since I had left my town. Of course I had to move on and thankfully the girl didn’t ask why.
Every time I think of Araja and how the day transpired... I just feel so lost. It doesn’t seem fair that she had to die so young. Barely five years old and gone on a peaceful afternoon. I won’t lie that often my mind wanders as it wonders what she looked like. Was it painless? Did she really drift away unexpectedly in her sleep? How is Sakmon doing? He’ll be turning three in four months. I wonder if he still remembers his sister or perhaps he has a new sibling?
Anyways. Eventually Daevri made himself known. Destiny had just informed me that I could get in touch with Kimaris through the link us Primordials have. So I checked to see if anyone was in the connection to which the Human answered. Quickly I turned the link off not wanting to deal with him. He then called up to me saying what it was I wanted. Daevri was hiding under the balcony the whole time!
“Why are you down there!?” I asked him. It seemed like a lot of effort to torment me, but instead he was avoiding his teacher. Daevri climbed up and over the edge, his arms shaking from hanging for an hour.
The conversation then warped to talking about who we were as Primordials, Destiny having been around since the first manifestation. I asked if she knew what the feathers were all about on my arms. My assumption was that they were decorative since my arm length isn’t nearly long enough to support flight. The girl mentioned that she hadn’t a clue since my past manifestations didn’t have any. Daevri’s, however, did. The first had black feathers.
The Human then got oddly serious. He began to talk about how he was born, but wasn’t and being rather secretive to the point I asked if he was cursed. He gave me a look like I was daft and soon my thoughts began to wonder if Daevri was just pulling our legs.
But he persisted to talk about how his body wasn’t his. The Human- well... I can’t really call him that any more. On the outside he looks Human with short black hair, sky blue eyes, pale skin, and a built that is slender and slightly shorter than my own. He wears a yellow coat of sorts that is sleeveless, but has a hood. His forearms are wrapped in a white, bandage like coverings and never had I questioned them before.
Daevri began to take the material off of his left arm; thick, black hair and dark skin becoming exposed. My eyes grew wide and I asked what had happened. He mentioned his arms were always like that. Being skeptical, I poked at it and sure enough, it was real.
My companion then took a knife and cut a deep gash on his forearm. Through my scolding words, he said, “Look,” his fingers pulling the skin apart to show something metallic. Once more, feeling like maybe he was teasing, I reached within and felt the metal core his flesh encased. Perplexed by my companion’s anatomy, I healed the mechanical man.
Daevri pointed out his spine as I pestered about whether it was just his arms that were affected. They were more rigid than anything I knew and barely hidden under his coat.
The next question that came from my mouth was how was it he was a Primordial? Fern had walked away, abandoned her post, only for Daevri to fill her spot. Maybe I’m naive, but how is it that some mechanical being now had the spirit of a supreme being in it? Destiny shrugged unsure, but didn’t seemed bothered by the idea.
I didn’t ask it then, but hopefully I’ll remember the next time I get a chance to speak with Daevri, if he has any memories of his childhood. Maybe he was born, but some kind of medical intervention took place that replaced the bones with metal... then again, that sounds so extreme. 
Ultimately I haven’t a clue. For all I know, the whole thing could have been a fantastic illusion and one of these days he’ll use it against me. But if I’m honest, I really hope it isn’t. For the first time it felt like Daevri was trying to be something more than a nuisance.

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